Adding And Setting Up A Client

Adding And Setting Up A Client

Completely setting up a new client requires at least two steps: Entering basic client information and adding a Preauth Request. Once these two steps are accomplished other chart items can be entered for the client. Usually within three months of being admitted a moderate complexity assessment and moderate complexity service plan is entered for a client. "Moderate complexity" basically means "initial" in this context.

Enter Basic Client Information

  1. After logging in click the Clients main menu option on the left hand side of the screen.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Enter all information about the client in at least all required (red) fields and click save. Do not leave the page.
  4. After you successfully save the client the first time you will be able to enter additional information in the sections under the Save button.
  5. Add a client program. Use the dates 01/01/1900 and 12/31/9999 for the dates in this field.
  6. Add a client facility.
  7. Add a client user. This is a very important step, because only the users that have been added to the Client User section or administrators can find the user again once you navigate away from the page.
  8. Add a client payer.
  9. This client has now been entered into the ChartCaddy system.

Add a Preauth Request

  1. From the current page (Client Information), click View Chart.
  2. Click the Add Chart Item button.
  3. Double click on the PreAuth Request option.
  4. Verify all information is correct on the main tab. For payers other than the OKHCA you can set the Plan Duration to 12 months if you like. Save your changes.
  5. Fill in any relevant information under the PreAuth Core tab. For payers other than the OKHCA all the fields on this tab are optional. Save your changes.
  6. Click back to the main tab, then begin changing the status of the Preauth by clicking the dropdown menu and choosing Complete, then save.
  7. Then it will give you a white box in the middle to type in your ChartCaddy password in order to sign the document. Type in your password and click save.
  8. Click the drop down menu again and choose Approved, and save it.
  9. Click the drop down menu again and choose Final, and save it. Your PreAuth is now complete.

Optionally add a Moderate Complexity Assessment and Service Plan

  1. Click Add Chart Item.
  2. To optionally add an assessment, double click on the Moderate Assessment option, click Save, click View Chart, and start over at step 1.
  3. Double click on the Moderate Complexity Service Plan option.
  4. Fill out all necessary information on that page. The duration should be 6 months and the level should be 1 through 4. Click Save.
  5. Select the Plan Core tab, and fill out at least all required (red) fields. Click save. Please note, if the client is under 18, the section with the drop down menu that says "Has SMI" will require you to select N/A. If the client is an adult, the section that says "Has SED" will require you to select N/A.
  6. Select the Plan CAR tab, fill out at least all required (red) fields. Click save.
  7. Select Plan Addiction and fill out necessary information and click save.
  8. Select Plan Addendum, fill out necessary information and click save.
  9. Select Plan Summary, fill out necessary information and click save.
  10. Select Plan Goals. Add your problems, objectives, and services by using the Add buttons where appropriate. The Add button for the objective is on the goal, and the Add button for the service is on the objective. Please note that all problems must have at least one objective and all objectives must have at least one service.
  11. Scroll down on the plan goals page to Other Plan Services. If a low complexity service plan line does not already exist, click add and add a low complexity service plan. Click save. This is also the section you add services that do not require an objective like testing, assessments, travel, and interactive add-on.
  12. Return to the Plan tab, and click save. Once it has been successfully saved, begin changing the status just like you did for the Preauth Request. If you have missed some sections, you will get error messages and it will not move to the next stage. The error message will say what the problem is so that you can find it and enter the required information and then try to change the status again.
NOTE: Once your plan is in Final, you are ready to add progress notes when treatmen by using the Add Chart Item button on the main page of the chart.