Administration Reports

Administration Reports

The following options under Reports are only visible to clerks or administrators.

Claim Items Report

Where as the Chart Items report deals with documents containing clinical information, the Claim Items report deals with documents containing financial information. Basically chart items know nothing about financial information and claim items know nothing about clinical information. Chart Items are directly related to but completely distinct from Claim Items. Billable Chart Items result in Claim Items after they are finalized. To adjust claim items, you need to update any associated Chart Items first if needed before rebilling the Claim Item.

Claim items have a status of Posted until they are submitted to a payer, a status of Submitted until the payer returns a status for the claim item, and a status of Exception if the claim item is denied or the paid amount does not match the billed amount. If a claim item has a status of Exception, it keeps that status until a clerk or administrator rebills it or adds an adjustment that zeros the claim item out. Once the billed amount matches the paid and/or adjust amount, the status for the claim item status changes to Tentative. When the Claim Item is listed on a remittance the status changes to Final. By default, if after several weeks no electronic remittance is received for the Claim Item the status is set to Final.

Claim Items Amounts Report

The Claim Items Amounts report allows you to search for, list, and view claim item payer results and adjustments.

Claim Items Amounts Report

The Claim Items Amounts report allows you to search for, list, and view claim item payer results and adjustments.

Claim Items Summary ReportWhere as the claim item report can be used for both informational and administrative purposes, the claim item summary report can only be used for informational purposes. The claim item summary report allows you to group claim items in certain ways and calculates to totals based on the grouping. For example, you can group claim items by client, and the report will display the item count, unit summary, and amount summaries per client.

Client Services Report

The Client Services report is similar to the Chart Items report except that it returns less chart item information and more client information like gender, county, etc.

Client Services Summary Report

The Client Services report is similar to the Chart Items Summary report except that it returns less chart item information and more client information like gender, county, etc.

Client Summary Report

The Client Summary report allows you to go back in time and see what the disposition of your clients were in the past. It does this by taking a snapshot of clients every week. Clients can be summarized based on gender, race, age bracket, and several other criteria.

Plan Usage Report

The Plan Usage report allows you to search for, list, and view client authorizations that are active in ChartCaddy.

Prior Auths Report

The Plan Usage report allows you to search for, list, and view the original authorizations granted by the payer.

Remittance Report

The remittance report displays remittance advices from payers, which are the final billing results of all the claims submitted during a certain time period. If the payer has paid any claims, the payer pays when they provide the remittance advice. When viewing a remittance document, the claim items associated with the remittance are also displayed. Once a claim item shows up on a remittance advice, it's status changes to final and that claim item is eligible to show up on a payroll.