Administration Settings

Administration Settings

The following options under Settings are only visible to clerks or administrators.

Chart Item Docs

Chart Item Documents is how the system maps a chart item forms to a particular (potentially) billable service, and is one of the factors that determines if an option shows up under Add Chart Item for a client. If you want to limit new chart items of a particular type being created, after finding that chart item here you can either set IsActive to No to disable it completely, or set PermActive to only allow it for people with a certain permission. You can also set the BufferDur to the number of minutes of no services required for a provider before this service takes place. Changing any other options or adding new chart item documents is not advised.

Diagnosis Code Programs

Diagnosis Code Programs limits which diagnosis codes are available for a client based on which programs that client is linked to. To allow a particular diagnosis for a particular program, add a new diagnosis code program here. If many such documents need to be created, please contact customer support to assist you.


The Facility documents determine not only the physical locations for your organization, but also certain billing information when submitting claim items to payers. You should definitely consult with customer support before changing any facility login information, and it is highly recommended to consult with customer service before changing any facility payer information. Under the facilities option is also where you can define where facility notifications are sent. By default all notifications go to the contact listed on the facility but you can override that and/or list more than one recipient at the bottom of the facility page.


This is where you can import information into ChartCaddy. See the "Importing Information" article for more information.


Notices are a way to communicate important information to your organization and appear at the top of the dashboard. What notices are displayed can be limited by effective date, expires date, and user class.


The organization document is where you tell the system important information about your organization. The fields whose names start with "Bill" determines where the invoice is sent. Also under Organization you can limit which treatment methods are available for new objectives, what venues are available to be scheduled, and a list of your invoices and their status.


The payer document shows what payers are current configured in the system, and you are not able to add or change any payer information. This document is for your information only, and among other things lists the authorization bundles available for each payer.

Payroll Types

The payroll type document allows you to set up different payroll types for your organization. It is highly recommended to consult with customer service before changing any payroll type information.


The program document allows you to add new or change existing information for programs. All programs are associated with a basic program type which you do not have control over, so if you can not find the program type that you want please contact customer support.

Service Credentials

The service credential document allows you to limit what kind of new services, and therefore what kind of new chart items, can be created based on credentials. If you want a particular credential to be able to create a particular chart item, you create a new service credential document here. If many such documents need to be created, please contact customer support to assist you.


The user document is where you specify information about system users. It is very important to get most of the information on a particular user document correct in order for that user to actually get their work done. This is also where you post payroll.