The Dashboard report is the first page that is displayed when you log in, and is always available by selecting the Reports main menu item. The dashboard is a report that looks and works different than most other reports. It is made up of four sections if you are not a clerk or administrator, with a claim item summary section added if you are. Except for the Chart Search, all the sections give you a summary of items that are not final or have some other issue. Only numbers of items are displayed, but if you double click on a particular number you are taken to a more detailed report. The less that shows up in your dashboard summary sections the better.
The Contact Summary section shows all contacts that are not final, and if you don't deal with contacts very much then you can mostly ignore this section. The Client Summary section shows the clients that you have access to that have issues or potential issues. In general, from left to right the issue gets progressively worse. The Chart Item Summary section shows all the chart items that you have access to that are not final. Similarly, the Claim Item Summary section (if you have one) shows all claim items that are not final.
The Chart Search section at the bottom shows all the clients that you have access to, and if you double click on an item you open that client's chart. You can narrow down what clients are listed by entering search criteria and clicking the Search button. When searching by client name you can use the percent sign as a wild card character.