Documents Overview

Documents Overview

The system is document centric which means almost everything you do in ChartCaddy is accomplished by creating or finding the document you are interested in, and then working with that document. You select a document either directly from the main menu, from the search results of a report, or from a list of "child" documents presented within a "parent" document. For example, a "Client" can be associated with several programs, so on the client document there is a list of programs. Some child documents are important just by being listed, while other child documents contain important information which can be viewed and edited by double clicking on them. Such child documents are never listed in the main menu, and you click the "Back" button to get back to the parent document. Some of the larger documents have tabs, and each tab can be saved individually. All documents can be customized per organization, and chart item documents can be customized based on program and service.