Fixing Chart Item Overlap

Fixing Chart Item Overlap

ChartCaddy does not allow two notes to have dates and times that overlap. Even one minute of overlap will flag both notes with an error message stating that the note overlaps another and the note can not be completed until the issue has been resolved. The complete error message is only displayed immediately after saving the note. The first step is to determine if the error message is complete. It should look like the picture below, with the number in parentheses present.

If the error does not have have a number in parentheses:
  1. Use the drop down menu at the bottom of the screen to choose "Unset Rejected".
  2. Click the Set Flag button. This will either display the full error or clear the error if the issue has been resolved.
If the issue has not been resolved and the error has a number in parentheses:
  1. Copy or write down the number in parentheses.
  2. Click on Chart Items main menu option (the first option directly underneath Reports. If the option cannot be seen, use the blue triangle to the left of the word "Reports" to extend the menu)
  3. Click the Clear button and enter the number into the box at the top left hand side of the screen.
  4. Click search, and only one result should be displayed.
  5. The single result that is returned by this search is generally what is being overlapped, so you will be able to see what date and time to avoid.
  6. Make a note of this information, and then change the Start and Stop Date on your draft note in order to permanently clear the error message.
NOTE: If the error mentions "for the same provider" as in the example above, the Calendar main menu option is also an excellent tool to determine what chart items are overlapping. Overlapping items will appear side by side.