Modifying an existing sevice plan

Modifying a Service Plan

Occasionally the situation of a client significantly changes before their plan expires, such as new goals or objectives needing to be addressed or losing their payer eligibility. These types of changes will require a Plan Modification chart item be added to the client's chart, which will supersede the current's current plan. The most common reason for a modification is the client payer source changing so that scenario is used as an example here.

Using The Modify Plan Button

At the top of the client's chart is a Modify Plan button. When you click that button a "wizard" will appear to allow you to make mass changes to the latest Draft plan in the client's chart. If a Draft plan has not already been added to the chart then one will be added for you. With this wizard you can add, update, or delete all matching plan service values on the plan at one time. Plan service values are the facility, payer, contact (provider), treatment method, service, and service frequency. Using the wizard is a three step process:
  1. At the top of the wizard select the criteria to determine which services on the plan will be affected. For example, if you choose the payer SELF PAY as the only criteria, then all plan services with the payer set as SELF PAY will be affected by whatever changes you are making.
  2. In the middle of the wizard select what changes you want to make to the matching plan services. For example, if you choose the payer PRO BONO as the only criteria, then all the plan services that match will have their payer changed to, or a service added for, PRO BONO depending on the next step. In the next step if you click the Delete Selected button then anything in this middle section that you select is ignored.
  3. Once you have selected the criteria at the top and the desired change in the middle, then you click a button to make the change. The Add Selected button will duplicate the matching services with the desired changes. The Update Selected button will update existing services with the desired changes. The Delete Selected button will delete any matching services. NOTE: These changes are immediate and permanent.

Manually Adding A Plan Modification

  1. Go to the Client Information screen by clicking the View Client button on the client's chart.
  2. Add a new payer to the Client Payer line by clicking the Add button and filling out all the information. Set the new payer to Is Active to Yes. Do not modify or delete the original payer at this time.
  3. Click View Chart and then click Add Chart Item. Select Plan Modification from the list, which should be near the bottom of the list.
  4. The Effective Date, MainPayer, Level, and Duration on the modification should match the dates on the original treatment plan. If you try to change these values on the main tab the system will reset them to match the original plan.
  5. Fill out all the information in the treatment plan modification. For example, if you want to change the plan service payers then cChange the payer on all the objective services on the Goals tab to the new payer.
  6. Finalize the Plan Modification.
  7. If you are changing the client's payer then go back to the client's chart, click the View Client button, and set the previous payer to be not active. It is strongly recommended that you set the previous payer as not active rather than delete it.
  8. You should be able to resume billing notes for this client with the new payer.
NOTE: If you believe it is likely that a client's payer source will change in the next six months when doing an initial or extension plan then it is recommended that you set the client up with both payers, add services for both payers on the plan, and then set the "backup" payer as not active once the plan is final. That way if the client's payer source does change then it is much easier to update which payer is active rather than doing a both a plan and then a modification.