

An itemized list of items can be created by clerks and administrators intended to be a time sheet for providers. This itemized list is called a Payroll in ChartCaddy, and the Payroll report is what you use to search for them. Once you find a payroll you are interested and open it, the items that make up the payroll are listed. The payroll system keeps track of historical items and adjustments. For example, if on one payroll an item shows up and then the item details are later adjusted, the adjustment will be reflected on the next payroll. While Chart Items show up on payrolls the payroll system is driven by Claim Items. Therefore only billable items will show up on payrolls.

Adjusting Payrolls

In addition clerks and administrators have the ability to manually adjust both individual payroll lines and entire payrolls. To adjust individual items, when viewing a payroll first select all the items for which you want to make the same adjustment. Then enter an amount and a comment at the bottom, and finally click the Adjust Selected button.

Clerks and administrators can add one adjustment for the entire payroll. To do that, when viewing a payroll first enter an amount and a comment at the bottom and then click the Adjust Payroll button. All adjustments not due to an item on the payroll must be contained in this one adjustment, and can be update later using the same process.

Basic Payroll Setup

The amounts calculated for payrolls are determined by Payroll Types under the Setting main menu option. If several providers are paid the same way then one Payroll Type is created and then assigned to those providers on their user information pages. The major Payroll Type parameters are:
  1. Is Active: Whether or not the payroll type can be assigned to new users.
  2. Short Name: A short descriptive name to identify the payroll type.
  3. Trigger Type: The claim status that triggers the item to be eligible to be posted on the user's next payroll. Usually set to Final.
  4. Expires Type: Which date matters for the cut off date when posting payroll. Item Date is when the service was performed and Trigger Date is when the Claim Item became eligible to be posted. Usually set to Trigger Date.
  5. Total Type: Method by which the total payroll amount is calculated:
    1. Amounts - Simple: Amount paid, no percentage applied.
    2. Hours - Graduated: Sliding scale based on hours billed.
    3. Hours - Service Family: Different rates based on the type of service and hours billed.
    4. Hours - Simple: Hours billed.
    5. Percentage - Graduated: Sliding scaled based on amount paid.
    6. Percentage - Simple: Amount paid.
    7. Units - Detailed: Different rates based on billing code and modifiers.
    8. Units - Simple: Units billed.
  6. Total Params: Parameters to further specify how the total payroll amount is calculates:
    1. Amounts - Simple: Not used.
    2. Hours - Graduated: Coded string to define sliding scale parameters.
    3. Hours - Service Family: Not Used.
    4. Hours - Simple: Percentage applied.
    5. Percentage - Graduated: Coded string to define sliding scale parameters.
    6. Percentage - Simple: Percentage applied.
    7. Units - Detailed: Not Used.
    8. Units - Simple: Percentage applied.

Payroll Type Options

When setting up Payroll Types you can also define some additional options:
  1. Client Referral Bonus: Add a bonus if the provider originally referred the client.
  2. Generic Fee: Apply an administrative fee which could cause the total amount to be negative.
  3. Payer Advance: Force items for certain payers to be eligible for payroll when billed.
  4. Payer Duration Override: For "Hours - Service Family" only, limit the maximum duration for items. ShortName must match a detail KeyVal.
  5. Payer Rate Override: Override the rate paid for certain payers.

Payroll Type Details

When setting up the "Hours - Service Family" Payroll Type you must add Payroll Type Detail entries to further define the payroll type. For the "Units - Detailed" Payroll Type adding Payroll Type Details are optional. For all other payroll types and detail entries added are ignored.
  1. Units - Detailed: Applies a percentage for units between MinVal and MaxVal based on the code and modifiers denied for KeyVal. KeyVal example: H0004:HJ;HQ
  2. Hours - Service Family: Applies a rate based on KeyVal. The DEFAULT rate is applied when no matching KeyVal is found. MinVal and MaxVal are ignored. Possible KeyVals are: AIDE, ASSESSMENT, CASEMGMT, CRISIS, DEFAULT, FAMILY, FAMILYNOT, INTERACTIVE, NONE, OTHER, PLANNING, PLANNINGLOW, REHAB, REHABGRP, RESIDENTIAL, SCREENING, SKILLS, TESTING, THERAPY, THERAPYGRP,TFC,TRAINING