Rebilling a Claim Item

Rebilling a Claim Item

Occasionally rebilling a claim item may be necessary in order to get paid for the service.

Rebilling claim items

  1. Go to the "Claim Items" main menu option, which is under Reports main menu option.
  2. Fill out any necessary search criteria in order to find the claims that you wish to rebill. You are not required to fill out any of these fields but the more restrictive the search criteria you enter the fewer claim items you have to manually search through. It is often sufficient to choose something like a Provider and the Claim Date Start.
  3. Click the Search button and the search results should appear.
  4. If you are rebilling a claim item because something changed, like the payer or duration, then for each claim item you wish to rebill you need to double click to view it, and then double click on on the associated chart item to make sure the chart item is correct. If nothing has changed on the chart item then the associated claim item will rebill with the same exact information.
  5. Select the claim item that you need to rebill by single clicking the line. If you have multiple claim items you need to rebill, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and single click each line until all the claim items to be rebilled have been selected. It may be easier to hit the button that says "Select Page" if most or all of the claim items are to be rebilled, since you can deselect a claim item later by holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard and single clicking it again.
  6. There is a drop down menu underneath the Select Page button. Choose "Rebill" and then hit the button just to the right that says Update.
  7. Your claims will now be rebilled when your billing is scheduled to run.