Settling an unsettled client

Settling an unsettled client (OKHCA ONLY)

Clients flagged with an "Unsettled" warning and/or having an error on a treatment plan that says "LOC/LOT REQUIRED" need to be manually settled. This only happens to clients with Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OKHCA) payer sources.

Settling an unsettled Client

  1. Find the client you need to settle by using the dashboard or by using the Charts main menu option.
  2. Click the View PriorAuths button at the top of the client's chart.
  3. This will take you to the PriorAuth Search screen that will have at least one line where IsSettled is "No". If there are multiple lines that say that, then each line needs to be updated.
  4. Double click on each line where IsSettled is No. This will take to to the Prior Auth Information screen.
  5. If the top line says "Customer has a level PA at another agency" then you mostl likely need to submit a LOC/LOT on PICIS. If you do need to submit a LOC/LOT for the client then you should not proceed further in ChartCaddy until you have done so and received confirmation from ODMHSAS.
  6. If the LOC/LOT issue has been resolved and/or there is a line above the "Customer has a level PA at another agency" line that says "Granted" or "Proposal Accepted", then you can double click on each line where IsSettled is NO, change Is Settled and IsAuthorized to Yes, and click Save. Please only change the IsSettled, IsAuthorized, and IsCollab options, and only do so if you are sure the LOC/LOT issue has been resolved. The IsCollab option is for you to track whether or not a Letter Of Collaboration (LOC) was required, but it is completely optional for you to update the IsCollab option in ChartCaddy.
  7. If you have a chart item that was placed on Hold because of the Unsettled warning, sometimes the item will clear the hold on its own. If it does not clear the hold, you will need to unset the hold by double clicking on the chart item to view it, change the drop-down menu on the bottom of the screen to "Unset Hold", and then click Set Flag. This will clear the hold and allow you to finalize your item and continue billing.