Payers Overview
Payers Overview Payers in ChartCaddy are categorized into four different types: Cash - There is only one cash payer and it is called SELF PAY. Claim items are generated for cash payers but not submitted electronically. Limited - Claim items are ...
Appointment Reminders
Appointment Reminders ChartCaddy is capable of sending appointment reminders to clients via email or text. Text reminders cost two cents each, so they are disabled by default. To enable appointment reminders for your organization send an email to ...
Claims Overview
Claims Overview In general how the system works is that providers add chart items to client's charts and then digitally signs them. At that point administrators finalize the chart items and (basically) shortly afterwards a claim is generated for each ...
Send For Sigs Setup
Send For Signature Setup By default the send for signatures feature is disabled because it is not included in the base price, so contact customer support to enable it. When an organization wants to use the feature the first thing they need to decide ...
Square Synchronization
ChartCaddy has the ability to download Square payments and refunds, which can then be applied to specific chart items. In addition client invoices can be uploaded to Square. To link your Square account go to ChartCaddy's Settings -> Organization and ...
Submitting JOLTS Services
The Oklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs requires that information about services performed by contracted organizations be submitted on a monthly basis and ChartCaddy is capable of submitting that service information to the JOLTS website. The general ...
Posting Payrolls
The first step to generate new payrolls is to go to the Users report under the top level Settings main menu item and search for all the users for which you want to generate payrolls. Next select all the target users, enter a cutoff date in the field ...
Submitting Billing
The system automatically created and submits claim items all finalized chart items that have not been billed depending on how your organization is configured. By default this process happens every Monday night at 11PM. During this process the system ...
Importing Clients
A spreadsheet can be used to import clients with the Import option under the Setting main menu option. The system looks at the first line in the spreadsheet to determine the contents of each column of information, so the order of the columns is not ...
Importing Users
A spreadsheet can be used to import users with the Import option under the Setting main menu option. The system looks at the first line in the spreadsheet to determine the contents of each column of information, so the order of the columns is not ...
Importing Data Overview
Under Settings there is an option to import various kinds of files into ChartCaddy. In general the system imports data from a spreadsheet in CSV or XLS format, but certain import operations require specific import file times. When importing a ...
Organization Configuration Options
There are various options that can be configured to customize how you want the system to work for your organization. Just let the support staff know if you would like to change any of these options: Name Description Default ClearinghouseType Billing ...
Administration Reports
The following options under Reports are only visible to clerks or administrators. Claim Items ReportWhere as the Chart Items report deals with documents containing clinical information, the Claim Items report deals with documents containing financial ...
Administration Settings
The following options under Settings are only visible to clerks or administrators. Chart Item Docs Chart Item Documents is how the system maps a chart item forms to a particular (potentially) billable service, and is one of the factors that ...
User Classes and Permissions
Introduction When your administrator sets up your ChartCaddy login, one of the things they specify is what user class you belong to and any extra permissions you may have. As your duties or roles change, your administrator should update your user ...
Adding And Setting Up A Client
Completely setting up a new client requires at least two steps: Entering basic client information and adding a Preauth Request. Once these two steps are accomplished other chart items can be entered for the client. Usually within three months of ...
Settling an unsettled client (OKHCA ONLY)
Clients flagged with an "Unsettled" warning and/or having an error on a treatment plan that says "LOC/LOT REQUIRED" need to be manually settled. This only happens to clients with Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OKHCA) payer sources. Settling an ...
Manually Reconciling Claim Items
The system will automatically update Submitted claims item to either Exception or Tentative when they are paid or denied for payers that receive electronic status updates and/or remittances, but for some payers claim items must be manually ...
Rebilling a Claim Item
Occasionally rebilling a claim item may be necessary in order to get paid for the service. Rebilling claim items Go to the "Claim Items" main menu option, which is under Reports main menu option. Fill out any necessary search criteria in order to ...
Discharging a Client
Discharging a client in ChartCaddy is a two step process, and the second step is setting the client as not active. The first step is adding a Discharge Summary chart item, which is optional. If a Discharge Summary is not added for the client then the ...