Client Services
The Client Services report is like the Chart Items report except that the results include some demographic information. This allows you to cross reference services performed with client demographics and for example allow you to break down services ...
Client Outcomes
The Client Outcomes report lists the data that client outcomes are based on, not actual client outcomes. For actual client outcomes use the Client Outcomes Summary report. The Client Outcomes Summary works by finding the first and last items for each ...
Payroll Items
The Payroll Items report allows you perform a search of all the items that have shown up on Payrolls. Since when a Claim Item has been rebilled, especially if it has been rebilled several times, it can be difficult to verify that everything has been ...
Users Contact
The User Info report allows you to view the phone number and email address of other users of the system.
Session Tasks
When you do something that may take a while for the system to process, that task is run in the background and an indicator appears at the top of the screen to show the progress of that task. The Session Tasks reports allows you to view these tasks.
An itemized list of items can be created by clerks and administrators intended to be a time sheet for providers. This itemized list is called a Payroll in ChartCaddy, and the Payroll report is what you use to search for them. Once you find a payroll ...
The Invoices report lists client invoices. The client invoices feature is optional and is disabled by default. To enable it please contact customer support. Once enabled the following new functionality is available: A new main menu option called ...
The Events report allows to search exclusively for calendar events. Normally you would view events on the Calendar because on the calendar all three types of events (Chart Items, Group Sessions, and Events) show up. Only events show up on the Event ...
Client Payers
The Client Payers report allows you to search for, list, and view client payer information. Specifically this report allows you to look up clients by payer and/or client payer ID.
Chart Items Summary
The Chart Items Summary report is similar to the Chart Items report except that the results can be grouped in various combinations. This report is useful for getting a overview of many chart items.
Chart Items Billed
The Chart Items Billed report is similar to the Chart Items report except that the results contain some billing information. Namely, it contains the payer billed, the amount billed, the amount paid, and what payrolls if any the claim item is on.
Chart Items
When you are looking for chart items for more than one client or want to make a mass update to chart items for more than one client, you need to use the chart item report. From the chart item report you can easily search for chart items using various ...
The Dashboard report is the first page that is displayed when you log in, and is always available by selecting the Reports main menu item. The dashboard is a report that looks and works different than most other reports. It is made up of four ...